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    Is Bitter Gourd Well For Diabetics?

    diabetes and better-gourd

    Overview - What's bitter melon?

    To begin with, try to realize that bitter gourd is a fruit as opposed to a vegetable which is indigenous to the tropical and subtropical parts of Asia, South America, East Africa, and the Caribbean. It incorporates different names like bitter squash, bitter apple, bitter melon, bitter apple, bitter cucumber, wild cucumber,  balsam apple, African cucumber, Momordica charantia (scientific name), Karela (Hindi name), which goes too bitter as it gets ripen and aides in lessening blood sugar levels. Due to being very bitter, we do not put it to use as a fruit while make used as a vegetable. 

    This is a typical vegetable of the Indian kitchen. It's been utilized as a part of the world as a vegetable as well as medicine for centuries. It really is a famous Ayurvedic medicine on the planet for treating diabetes which is employed as a combination therapy. Bitterness in the bitter gourd is brought on by cucurbitacin glycosides. Bitter Melon has various glucose cutting down phytochemical constituents like 5-hydroxytryptamine, vicine, charantin, momordin, betasitosterol, diosgenin, lanosterol, Polypeptide-p (p-insulin), that are responsible for controlling blood sugar naturally. Beside this, it contains many nutrients and also rich in different vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B-1, B-2, B-3, and B-9), minerals ( potassium, Sodium, magnesium, iron, calcium, manganese, copper,  zinc, selenium, and phosphorus), and antioxidants (phenols, flavonoids etc.) that can be extremely helpful for all over wellbeing.
    Usage of bitter gourd is possible in different forms like fruits, powder, juice, herbal supplements. which is widely available at vegetable vendors,  grocery stores, food market, health food outlets etc.

    What exactly are the other health benefits associated with bitter melon?

    Apart from diabetes, Bitter melon is utilized as a part of the Ayurvedic system of medicine for other health conditions like

    Abdominal disorders like stomach pain, indigestion, acid reflux disorder, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, food allergies etc.

    Skin diseases like Psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, and eczema.

    Respiratory disorders - cough, cold, asthma, etc.

    Viral infections such as measles and chicken pox, and yeast-based infections (Antimicrobial properties).

    Pancreatic and breasts cancer.

    Cholesterolemia (Lower Cholesterol Levels)

    Burns and scalds.

    Blood impurities.

    Eye-vision-related problems such as cataract.

    Poor immunity (Energy booster).


    Painful menstruation.

    diabetes and better-melon

    What are the side effects & complications of bitter gourd?

    Although bitter gourd can be used in a variety of diseases and there are different types of side effects may come up by it if used in great volumes.  Excessive intake may cause an abdominal upset, loose motion, vomiting, stomachache,  and other gastrointestinal problems.

    Pregnant women should avoid using it since it may induce uterine contraction that covey vaginal bleeding, miscarriage/abortion, or preterm labor. It is also contraindicated for breast-feeding mothers.

    It also interferes with antidiabetic drugs or insulin. So check with the medical professional before using it.

    The usage of bitter gourd with antidiabetic medicines gives rise to hypoglycemia (extremely low blood sugar) which is highly risky for health.

    Some other potential adverse effects are a headache, fever, liver damage, favism (A form of herpes which appears by eating better gourd or some legumes).

    Additionally, come the problems in controlling blood sugar in an ongoing or the recent surgical operated cases.

    How much bitter gourd should I consume for diabetes?

    Bitter gourd dosage - In the form of juice, 20-30 ml thrice in a day is suitable for diabetics (Type 2 diabetes) or 2-3 small and raw better gourd per day may be consumed. Dilute with normal water to avoid the extremely bitter taste of the juice.
    With respect to medical records, 2-4 gms. daily is preferred in the powder form.

    Note - It will always be good to have smaller doses several times throughout the day to prevent possible side effects.
    Consumption of bitter gourd with antidiabetic drugs should be achieved with extreme caution. It will be exceptionally helpful if you counsel with your doctor before using it.

    How can bitter gourd work against diabetes & what research says?

    Is Bitter gourd suggested for diabetics?

    Bitter gourd is filled with different natural antidiabetic elements like vicine, charantin, and polypeptide-P that are responsible for lowering your body’s blood sugar. Several Ayurvedic medical accounts say that it can increase insulin secretion, improve glycogen synthesis in the liver, boost glucose tolerance, and reduce gluconeogenesis of the liver. polypeptide-P (Ayurveda calls it plant-insulin) works much similar to insulin that helps glucose utilization, aids glucose resistance, in the body through increased metabolism of the glucose. The metabolism of glucose really helps to convert blood sugar into glycogen and store in the liver organ which is utilized when required for body energy. 
    Bitter gourd also includes a chemical constituent recognized as lectin which is a notable ingredient to lessen down the blood sugar concentrations on account of type 2 diabetes. In addition, it suppresses appetite, which limits the food intaking and protects against obesity. Everybody knows that obesity is a significant reason behind diabetes.

    Some researchers assume that bitter gourd cannot cure diabetes if it is used alone. According to him, it is only in a position to reduce fasting blood sugar levels. In a way, their storyline is also true. If different ingredients are being used with bitter gourd, then there are incredibly great results in diabetes type 2.
    Its use as a combination therapy is quite appreciable in the cases of diabetes mellitus type 2. Paneer Dodi, Jamun (Blackberry), Gudmar, Methi (Fenugreek seeds), Vijayasar -(Indian Kino tree), Saptrangi (Salacia), Mango leaves, Neem, Kiratatikta etc. are some Ayurvedic medicines used as combination therapy in diabetes mellitus type 2. Equipped with different nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, bitter gourd can be considered as a supportive factor in regards to diabetes. However, there is a lack of data that how much Karela works against diabetes. Because very few human studies have been conducted and we can not consider it as a trustworthy or dependable medication for diabetes. Overall, it can be an effective solution for diabetes mellitus type 2 if utilized as a part of combination treatment with other herbal choices.


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    Rajesh kumar is a passionate writer and main author / founder of this blog. He has already completed their B.A.M.S. from Ayurveda and written various articles on topics involved to ayurvedic treatment for men and women health. He invariably creates useful, informative, and interesting articles on health-related problems and therefore the use of herbs.If you need to discover how to stay a healthier life, keep reading this blog!

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