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    Top 6 Cures for Cramps before the period/menstruation


    An occurrence of abdominal cramping pain earlier than the menstruation is the key symptom young girls often face. Because of which many problems arise in their daily life. Let's find out some basic information about it.

    Factors behind cramps before the period

    Some girls experience cramping alongside some other uncomfortable symptoms in their menstrual cycles. Cramps usually start in the lower abdomen and pain from the lumbar region runs right down to the thighs and legs. The reason is that blood must flow through the cervix more. However, this phenomenon lasts just a few days and will end when the menstrual cycle ends.

    Some of the key causes can result in cramps before the period:

    * Probably because of the narrow cervix. For some girls with the narrowed cervix, triggering the flow of menstrual disorders. Apart from this, it triggers abdominal cramps and pain before menstrual period as well.
    * Pelvic inflammatory disease. This is an infection in the female genitals. It can happen in the uterus, ovarian cysts, and usually in the pelvis of a woman. When you have the pelvic inflammatory disease, you might have lower abdominal pain, high fever, bad breath, and typical irregular or abnormal menstruation.
    * Endometriosis is an illness in which the coating of the uterus, known as the endometrium keeps growing outside the uterus like fallopian tubes, ovaries etc. The typical symptoms of the disease are the pelvic pain. The majority of pelvic pain occurs during menstruation. In addition, it causes cramps before the period in women.

    Cramps before the period and menstrual periods vary by age

    Age 20 -

    If you go through the most uncomfortable symptoms of menstrual cycles as of this age, this is a great sign that you have a stable cycle.
    For girls of this age, erratic menstrual cycles, which can be the effect of a variety of causes. When your menstrual period begins to show, ovulation is more or less than normal, and you will also have cramps before the period, abdominal pain, and chest pain.
    If you are new and unaware of these side effects consistently, this might be a wonder, and it certainly makes you extremely uncomfortable. In the event that you experience the most uncomfortable symptoms throughout your menstrual period when you are in this age group. And you get used to it, congratulations, you have normal menstrual cycles.
    A significant change in menstruation tends to occur at the age of 20 with regards to contraception. This is actually the decade in which many women began deciding to use hormonal contraceptives, probably because that they had a stable partner but were too busy focusing on their careers instead of thinking about having children. Using drugs will help trigger normal blood flow changes, your cycle will be milder, less contraction and relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome as cramps before the period.
    In fact, painkillers or other forms of hormonal contraceptives can even cause "red lights" to vanish; because birth control pills prevent ovulation.

    Age 30 -

    Symptoms such as sudden heavier flow or agonic cramping may be considered a sign of alarming health problems. Benign cysts are called fibroids, which can make you bleed too harder. And problems in the uterine lining, often marked by the madness that keep going for months, are often diagnosed when a woman is in her 30s.
    The big change in 30 years is that you may be pregnant or have a baby. You know that getting pregnant means having no menstruation for months. Your menstrual cycle will not normally return after 6 weeks from the time you give birth unless you are breastfeeding. I think this is a note that you need to keep in mind.
    Also, having a baby can lead to long-term changes in your cycle. After the birth, the cervix is enlarged, it generally does not stretch as well as before. It is also one of the main factors behind cramps before the period more pleasant.

    Age 40 - 

    At this stage, you will begin to notice hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle, also known as premenopause. During this stage, 8-10 years before menopause (which usually occurs in the early years of the 50-year period), your body is about to end the menstrual cycle.

    The hormonal changes that produce ovulation uneven and the change in estrogen cause the flow to become more severe. Symptoms of premenstrual syndromes, such as cramps before the period and abdominal pain, are also prolonged. Often when ovulation is abnormal, or irregular menstrual cycle, you are likely to become pregnant.
    But when the menstrual cycle stops completely for at least a year, with age beyond 40, it is a sign that you are entering the premenopausal stage.

    Remember, at this stage, and you need to know more about overall health. If you have any abnormal symptoms, you should check with your doctor immediately. The menstrual cycle has abnormal changes; stronger flow, or strong abdominal cramps, cramps before the period does not show signs of diminished. This can be a sign of thyroid problems, polycystic ovary syndrome, and many other health problems.

    Frequent cramps before the period is a sign of dangerous gynecological diseases
    The appearance of cramps sooner than the period, generally quite normal. Nonetheless, if these cramps before the period are excessively and agonic then it is a symptom of the severity of the condition.


    A number of medical studies have been published by the College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in the United States. For women aged 15 to 49, about 10% of them have this problem. Common signs or symptoms are cramps before the period, abdominal pain. Even these symptoms can occur even when there is absolutely no menstruation.
    The pain, cramping occurs long, constantly leading to sickness, tiredness, and fatigue as well. If this condition persists, the uterine tissues that grow in the wrong place will move into the ovaries or fallopian tubes. This is really dangerous, as these tissues are at risk of developing into dangerous cysts.

    Ovarian cysts

    Ovarian cysts are very common and most girls around the world suffer from this disease. However, these cysts are mostly benign (harmless) and sometimes self-cured, so patients do not know they have ever been ill.
    According to medical statistics, about 8% of cysts develop larger than normal. The reasons for this are very difficult to pinpoint and once the cyst is larger than normal, it becomes very dangerous for just about any girl.

    Uterine fibroids

    The appearance of benign tumors in the uterus can cause cramps, bloating, pressure on the intestines. Several medical researchers have already demonstrated that at least 10-15% of women have typical symptoms of fibroids. Therefore, if the symptoms of abdominal cramps before the period persist or frequently appear in the month, then you should also seek medical attention immediately to discover the disease promptly and treat more effectively.


    Ovarian Cancer

    The American Cancer Society has given the exact number of patients with ovarian cancer. The figure is more than 22,000 women across the United States are positive for ovarian cancer. And many of them died of the disease.
    Ovarian cancer is often not diagnosed earlier and symptoms usually include cramps, abdominal pain, hemorrhage, especially before or during the menstrual period. These symptoms often confuse the symptoms of some other illness.
    The appearance of regular symptoms or the body has strange manifestations. Pain and abnormal cramps and abnormalities, you must seek medical attention immediately to help ease the treatment.

    Asherman Syndrome

    When you have had a surgical operation of the stomach or pelvic region, this may bring about your scarification. There are times when the scar tissue is too large, or the surgery is not perfect, it can cause cramping or pain in the abdomen often. Or worse, when you have a wound infection, the infection can spread to neighboring organs, like the uterus.

    Top 6 Cures for cramps before the period

    Drink water -

    Drinking water uncontrolled the cramping before the period, but it can reduce bloating - a condition that triggers cramps to become more severe.
    Therefore, when you come to the period, bring a bottle of water with you. You can add ginger, mint or lemon to make it much easier to drink. In addition, you should limit the amount of salt in your daily diet and avoid alcohol consumption because salt and alcoholic drinks cause the body to lose water.

    Choose the right food -

    French fries and other greasy fries are the foods that you should limit during your menstrual period. Instead, you need choose foods that are high in fiber contents such as whole grains, vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables) and nuts. Nutrients such as vitamin E, B1, B6, magnesium, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. They will help reduce the levels of hormones that cause painful cramps or reduce muscle tension, cramps before the period.

    Take medicines - 

    Aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac sodium are painkillers. They limit the appearance of cramps before the period. You should bring some medicine in your handbag or car to be ready when you are ready for menstruation.

    Do exercise -

    Exercise helps release endorphins - a chemical in the brain. It relieves the pain caused by cramps before the period, relieving stress and increasing the body's resistance. So you can walk or jog lightly.

    Massage -

    Massage for at least 5 minutes each day in the abdomen can increase blood flow and relieve stress. It will make women feel more comfortable during menstruation. Start the massage a few days before the "red light".

    Go directly to the hospital -

    If the above measures do not work, you should go to the hospital for effective treatment and counseling. Some birth control pills can be used to control hormone levels, reducing cramps before the period.
    For most women, cramps before the period are completely normal. But sometimes it is a sign of something more serious. Talk to your doctor about the frequency and severity of the cramps to diagnose the exact cause and take appropriate treatment.

    Hopefully, the information above will help you understand more about cramps before the period. Please share this information with your friends on facebook, gplus, instagram, twitter and linkedin.

    WRITTEN BY JOYCE BAKER (Admin of www. carekees dot com) 



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