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    Indian Gooseberry: Health Benefits, Side effects & Nutritional Profile


    What Is Indian Gooseberry?

    Introduction of Indian Gooseberry - Indian gooseberry is a deciduous tree which is native to India and also grows in Pakistan, Nepal, China, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia. It comes under Euphorbiaceae family that ripens in the autumn season and taken into consideration as a sacred tree in Hindu religion in India. Amalaki Ekadashi is one of the Hindu holy days, celebrated in the lunar month of Phalgun that is continually concerned to Amla tree. There is a belief among the people that Lord Vishnu resides within it. It's far nicely known as Amlaki in Sanskrit word that signifies with different meanings such as sustaining, prosperity, glory, and prestige as well.

    It is dependably found in small to medium size about 1 to 10 meters in height. Its pinated leaves are dull to yellowish green in color, 8 to 10 millimeter long and 2 to 3 millimeter wide, the branchlets are 10–20 cm long,  the fruits are of small size and greenish-yellow in color with 6 vertical stripes, contains hard seeds internally, the bark is  grayish brown in color and the flowers are greenish-yellow that provides a great looking enjoy. It needs a warm and humid weather to flourish well. The taste of Indian gooseberry is sour, bitter and astringent that used to prepare Chutney, Pickles, Smoothie, Candies,  Murabba, Jelly, Confectionary, juice, and sweets. Apart from this, it is also used in shampoos and other hair care products. All components of the plant including fruits are used in various Ayurvedic preparations, Triphala churna or Chyawanprash is one the popular blend among them. In steps with Ayurveda, it balances all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) of the body and has a tremendous nutritional and therapeutic value in it.

    Indian gooseberry has many names and those names are the following -

    Indian Name - Amla, Aovla, Aonla,  Aamalaki, Amalika, Neli, Amalakan, Dhatri, Dhatriphala, Sriphalam,  Vrushya, and Vayastha.
    English names -  Indian gooseberry, Malacca Tree, Emblica myrobalan, Emblic Myrobalan, Emblica, Mirobalano, Myrobalan,  Myrobalan emblic,  Mirobalanus embilica.
    Botanical Name - Emblica officinalis, Phyllanthus emblica.

    Indian Gooseberry - Nutritional profile 

    Indian gooseberries possess very low calories and high water, dietary fibers and different vitamins, protein, carbohydrate, antioxidants, and minerals as well. You can have a transient look below -
    Vitamins - Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin A,        Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Thiamin, Niacin, Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Folate,  Pyridoxine, Betaine, Choline
    Carbohydrates - Dietary Fiber, Sugar, Starch, Pectin
    Fat, Lipids & Fatty Acids - Saturated fat, Polyunsaturated fat, Monounsaturated fat, Trans fat, Cholesterol, Omega-3 fatty acids, Omega-6 fatty acids                                   
    Electrolytes and Minerals - Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper,  Zinc, Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Selenium   
    Alkaloids - Phyllantine, Phyllantidine, Phyllembein,
    Amino Acids - proline, Glutamic acid, Alanine, Lysine, Proline, Cystine, Aspartic acid.
    Antioxidants & Polyphenols/Phenolic Compounds/Flavonoids - Quercetin, Kaempferol - Ellagic acid, Galic acid, Methyl gallate, Trigallayl glucose, Isocorilagin, Geralin,  
    Hydrolysable Tannins - Chebulagic acid/Benzopyran tannin, Chebulinic acid/Ellagitannin,  Ellagotannin, Geranin/Dehydroellagitannin, Corilagin/Ellagitannin, Emblicanin A & B, Punigluconin, Peduculagin.
    Other Compounds - Stigmasterol, Carotenoids, β-sitosterol, β-carotene, Citric acid, Gallic Acid, Water, and Protein.

    Special Precautions, Warnings, & Side Effects of Amla

    Some people are allergic to amla. If you are experiencing any side effects, stop consuming it and visit a health service provider for proper treatment.
    Indian gooseberry may be risky during or after surgery. So avoid gooseberry at least 15 days before a scheduled surgical operation.
    Patients with hemorrhagic disorders, kindly do not intake gooseberry. If you are taking blood thinning drug then make a strategic distance from consuming it.
    During pregnancy or lactating period, consumption of gooseberry should be better avoided. If necessary, first consult with an Ayurvedic physician for safety purposes.
    If you are a diabetes sufferer, use it with very caution, otherwise, it can decrease blood sugar levels. So, see your doctor for dose adjustment of antidiabetic medicines.
    Mild abdominal discomfort, Sore-throat, Hyperacidity may become from Indian gooseberry juice.
     Indian gooseberry can worsen the certain health conditions like Common cold, Influenza, Productive cough, Skin dryness, articular pain because it has a cooling property.

    Health Benefits & Medicinal Uses Of Amla (Gooseberry)

    Assists in Digestive issues

    Amalaki/Indian gooseberry is one of the ayurvedic medicines used for thousands of years for treating different kinds of abdominal disorders like acidity, hyperacidity, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, GERD, irritable bowel syndrome, hyperchlorhydria/burning sensation in abdomen, stomach upset, peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer, indigestion, loss of appetite, gastritis  .
    Constipation - Mild laxative - Indian gooseberries is a herbal laxative because of its fiber-rich belongings. It has an effect on constipation and can help encourage regular bowel clearance.
    Antacid - Dried gooseberries powder is a helpful way to deal with acidity, hyperacidity, duodenal ulcer, peptic ulcer, gastritis, and flatulence. Apart from this, it promotes liver health. We all know that liver is a very important and vital organ that secretes bile to help digest fats. Some medical researchers have established its detoxification efficacies and regulation of all over digestive health.
    Other than this, it possesses carminative, demulcent, digestive stimulant properties that make it a wonderful remedy to deal with almost all kinds of gastrointestinal diseases. This is the main reason that it is used to make Triphala churna, that is a popular blend of Ayurvedic system of medicines.

    Reproductive system and Amla

    Indian gooseberry is one of the effective ingredients in the combination of any reproductive system associated remedies. It works well in both gender's reproductive system.
    Due to its VIPAKA quality, Ayurvedic practitioners have been dependably used this fruit in the cases of Infertility due to uterine weakness and leucorrhoea for hundreds of years. In addition, it is also used in the men's diseases like nocturnal emission, and oligospermia.

    Rich Source of Vitamin C that treats Scurvy & Anemia

    Anti-anemic property - Indian gooseberry is an effective and useful anti-anemic natural medicine, possessing hematinic and hematogenic properties that aid in the formation of RBCs and improvement of hemoglobin levels. Because it is a rich source of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) that facilitates better absorption of the iron. So treat anaemia effectively.
    Scurvy is a gum associated problem which is caused due to lack of vitamin C. So it may be a useful solution to take care of Scurvy.

    Mental health & Stress relief

    Amla is a potent nervine tonic that helps treat stress, anxiety, depression, dizziness, migraine, headaches, violent mental agitation,  mental irritability, aggressive reactions, restlessness, sleeplessness,  dementia, Alzheimer’s disease etc. For this reason, you can utilize its oil for your head massage before bathing, prior to bedtime, or at any time. According to a medical report, Amla acts as a sedative and scalp massage with its oil may relax muscles, treats mental fatigue, improves memory power, enhances consciousness, bring a calming effect on nerves, prevent brain degeneration, increases concentration, improves cognitive characteristics,  induce deep sleep and relieves headaches.

     Deals with Menstrual disorders like Cramps

    Gooseberries powder or juice can be utilized in the cases of menstrual disorders and cramps because it is full of unique nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that is very helpful on account of cramps before theperiod/menstruation.

    Possesses Anti-cancer properties

    Amla is loaded with different antioxidants that fight against free radicals and prevents the growth of cancer cells. It's far a useful ayurvedic remedy to treat different types of malignancies like skin cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer etc.

    Antioxidants and Anti-aging efficacies

    It restricts free radical creation in the body through its antioxidant efficacies and prevents skin wrinkles as well as promotes longevity and diminishes getting old process.

    Lessens Fat Content (Weight loss efficacies)

    The juice of gooseberry can reduce body's surplus fat because it accelerates metabolism so, as a result, obesity goes away.

    Improves Eyesight (Eye Care)
    Several medical studies have validated its efficacies about different eye problems like conjunctivitis, night blindness, watering of eyes, cataracts, macular degeneration, oxidative stress of the retina of the eyes by means of lowering intra-ocular tension due to its impressive carotene and Vitamin A content material. It can improve eye vision if you wash the eyes with the infusion of normal water mixed with Amla powder.

    Gooseberry benefits for Skin problems

    It continues skin healthy because gooseberries consist of exceptional antioxidants that restrict free radical skin damage and are suitable for skin texture. it is a well known Ayurvedic fruit to be advantageous to treat a number of skin disorders like skin irritation, conjunctivitis, etc.
    It is also utilized in beauty products as a natural cleanser to treat dark circle around eyes, age spots, wrinkles, sunburns, pigmentation, blemishes, pimples and acne that brightens skin tone.

    Hair Care

    The story of Amla is incomplete without saying its health benefits for hair health. Ancient saints and vaidyas dependably used to treat many hair related problems like graying of hairs, dandruff, hair loss, baldness. It can be used for restoring hair color, improving hair growth, conditioning the hairs, retaining its lustiness. Amla oil has been proven up to lessen the chance of hair falls, strengthens and nourishes hair roots, promotes hair growth, prevent untimely graying of hair, Treats scalp diseases (eczema, itchiness of the scalp).

    Treats Infection, Fight  Microbes & Increases Immune system

    Gooseberry is a first rated immunomodulatory Ayurvedic remedy that helps improve immunity power and disease-fighting capabilities of the body and fight against bacteria, virus, and fungus.

    Breathing troubles

    Vitamin C is a chief ingredient in Amla that treats the common cold, influenza, throat infection, cough, asthma etc.
    Because of Vitamin C in gooseberries, it is used in Chyavanprash, a well known ayurvedic preparation.

    Diminishes Cholesterol Levels & Prevents Coronary Heart Diseases

    Indian gooseberry is considered as a very good heart remedy as it helps to tone up heart muscles. Its potential heart-friendly ingredients like amino acids, pectin, chromium etc. can prevent the blockage of blood circulation in the heart, and diminishes bad cholesterol, as well as high triglyceride levels. It additionally controls high blood pressure and atherosclerosis as well.

    Anti-diabetic/Anti-hyperglycemic efficacies

    Amla is stuffed with chromium which has the functionality to stimulating iselet cell and increase insulin production and enhance glucose absorption power.

    Purifies Blood because of its Diuretic properties

    Amla is a potent natural diuretic that purifies the blood and high in water content that will increase the frequency of urination. Its diuretic nature helps in putting off systemic toxins like salt, uric acid etc. Because of its diuretic characteristics, it is capable to keep your kidneys healthy and take care of different symptoms of urinary tract infections like burning sensation in urine, painful micturition, recurrent infections etc.


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