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    Scorpion Sting: First Aid, Allopath & Ayurveda Treatment


    Definition of Scorpion Sting

    Scorpions are found everywhere thoughout the globe that having a place with the Arthropoda own species, known by the Arachnida category and are firmly concerned to Spiders, Ticks, and Mites. Scorpions turn out during the summer and rainy seasons. It accompanies diverse hues like tan shadings, light brown color, dark, black colored and so on. It really is a very rare and exceptional incident.  Although about 1500 varieties of scorpion can be found on the earth, and most scorpions are harmless, but 25-30 species are poisonous that may be fatal.

    Although the high incidence of scorpion stings affecting adults in many parts of the world but children are incredibly sensitive to scorpion stings which can bring about the fatality. Scorpion venom comprises protein toxin and enzymes that may convey hazardous condition and deliver life-threatening situation, especially in kids. Scorpion stings are common emergency events and are a very unusual incident in many tropical countries.

    What are the Signs and Symptoms of Scorpion Sting?

    The signs and symptoms of Scorpion Stings usually ranges from moderate to severe and
    depend on the species of scorpion involved, age (whether child, adult, or old), body-weight, body strength, and overall health status of the individual.

    In general, signs and symptoms of scorpion bite maybe following -

    Muscle twitching, thrashing, spasms or stiffness.
    Anxiety, agitation, Restlessness, giddiness, vertigo.
    Swelling, intense pain, paresthesia, numbness, burning and tingling sensation  around  the sting site.
    Drastic change in blood pressure - Hypertension -high blood pressure/hypotension - low blood pressure.
    Lymphangitis and regional lymphadenopathy.
    Abnormal, unusual, and random head, neck, and eye movements
    Tachycardia - Accelerated irregular heart beat.
    Blurring of vision.
    Anaphylaxis - Seizures, respiratory difficulties like breathing troubles, absence of breathing,  increased respirations, hives, great weakness, nausea, and vomiting
    Urination troubles like Less urine volume.
    Diaphoresis - Increased sweating.
    Sialorrhea - Excessive flow of saliva.
    Tongue thickness.
    Dysphagia - Difficulty in swallowing.
    Dribbling or drooling.

    Risk Factors for Scorpion Sting

    A scorpion stinging risk factors are following -
    Location - Desert areas like India, South Africa, Arizona, Mexico etc.
    Seasons and environment especially in summer and raining months.
    Scorpions are often found inside internal part of tree-bark (logs bark), dust-buckets, garbage pails, shoes, bedding, clothes, luggage, and beneath the rocks.
    Developing countries like India.


    What is the Prognosis of Scorpion Sting & prospect for scorpion Envenoming

    Generally, the prognosis is good with proper medication. Aside from this, the prognosis of scorpion sting is with regards to the patient's condition, health, weight, species of scorpion, stinging site, the seriousness of allergies etc. Scorpion sting may be switched fatal usually in children, older person etc. due to poor immunity power or in unattended conditions.
    Sometimes, scorpion stings can prompt anaphylaxis that will require quick treatment.

    By what method would Scorpion Sting be Prevented?

    First Aid, Lifestyle & Prevention of scorpion sting -

    What do you do if you get stung by the scorpion? Following steps or measures should be implemented to prevent a scorpion bite or sting -
    Scorpion Stings may be prevented by being alert if you are in dangerous scorpion-infested locations.
    Put clothes or shoes over the body in the wake of shaking, checking out, and in-depth inspection.
    Do not go for outside the house particularly during the night in desert or jungle regions.
    Always use pest control spray in areas of large numbers of scorpions located.
    Always wear shoes with socks, whole body covering garments to prevent stinging of the scorpion.
    Try not to access dark corners, alcoves, and nooks during the night time. If necessary, use gloves and shoes. If you work in the backyard, lawn, garden, collect firewood or lift up logs, in that situation put gloves too.
    Avoid clutter deposition in garage, basement, lawn, turf, shrubberies, grass, bushes, trash, planks, boards, logs, bricks, rocks, stones, and other parts of the house, which will permit the scorpion hide inside.
    Avoid sleeping on the floor during camping.
    Always use a mosquito net during sleeping time.

    Scorpion Sting First Aid Treatment

    Medical treatment for the greater part of scorpion sting is usually not required though it's rather a smart thought to go to an emergency department as a precautionary and supportive measure. In case there is poisonous scorpion stinging, the sufferer needs prompt medical help. So, try not to waste your time on self-applied medications and get an emergency care at the earliest opportunity.  Apart from this, seek medical assistance immediately in the case of severe and serious symptoms like nausea, vomiting, sweating, foam creation in the mouth, involuntary urination,muscle spasms, giddiness, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, irregular heart rate, heart failure, difficulty speaking, breathing, allergic reactions etc. associated with scorpion envenoming or if the sufferer is a kid or elder person.

    Discover the sting location and a combination of Ammonia/Ammonium Chloride (Nausadar) and onion juice should be applied around scorpion bitten point to reduce stinging poison and relieve intense pain or inflammation.

    A tight bandaging should be employed above 4-6 inches of scorpion stung site, so just like a snake bite treatment to avoid the venom from spreading. Remember, bandage neither be too tight and nor obstruct able for blood circulation in the body.

    Collect red phosphorus from matchsticks as soon as possible and mix it with normal water then put it on scorpion stung site to diminish harm impacts of venom.

    Reassure, console, and relax the sufferer to avoid possible faster heartbeat regarding scorpion bite.

    Bed rest is necessary. Other than this, you may need to take sedatives on account of muscular spasm and i.v. medications to deal with hypertension, anxiety, pain etc.

    Use cleaning soap and water to wash out the stinging area.

    Remove all jewelry items like ring, chain, because tissue swelling may impede the blood circulation.
    In the case of a nonpoisonous scorpion bite, symptomatic and supportive treatment should be followed.

    Oral analgesic like aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen etc. may help to reduce swelling and pain worried about scorpion bites.

    For just recognition purpose, kill or catch the scorpion and determine the species of scorpion because it helps the doctor for appropriate management. Or take a snapshot if you can not capture the scorpion.

    Passive immunotherapy - Anti-scorpion venom should be given to the victim as earlier as possible because it is effective as a curative treatment and preventive options as well.

    Antibiotics are of help in secondary infection, concerned with scorpion bites.

    Try to apply ice cubes on the stung region, if unavailable, put a wet, cold cloth on the afflicted site because cold compress helps decrease pain and slow down the spreading of venom.

    Regarding allergies, antihistaminic drugs may be beneficial on account of a scorpion  bite.

    Try not to give any medicine to children without getting an advice from a qualified doctor.

    Make an effective distance from foods or liquids if the patient experiencing difficulty swallowing.

    How do you treat a scorpion sting?

    Best Home Remedies For Scorpion Stings

    Baking Soda - NaHCO3/sodium bicarbonate

    Sesame Oil - Sesamum indicum

    Peppermint Essential Oils - Mentha piperita

    Calendula Salve - English marigold - Calendula officinalis

    Rosemary Essential Oils - Rosmarinus officinalis

    Eucalyptus Essential Oils - Eucalyptus globulus.

    Frankincense Essential Oil -  olibanum - - Boswellia serrata

    Lavender/Lavandula Essential Oils -  Lavandula angustifolia

    Amrapatra - Mango Tree Leaf - mangifera indica

    Hing - Asafetida powder - Ferula assa-foetida

    Lasuna - Garlic - Allium sativum

    Mooli - Radish Poultice - Raphanus raphanistrum

    Pudina - Mint Leaf Juice - Mentha rotundifolia

    Pyaz - Onion Juice - Allium cepa

    Papaya  leaves -  Papaw - Carica papaya

    Arjuna bark - Pentaptera arjuna/Terminalia arjuna

    Chirchiri - Prickly chaff flower - Achyranthes aspera

    Mahua -Indian Butter Tree - Madhuca latifolia

    Bichhu/Baghnakh - Martynia annua

    Imali -Tamarind - Tamarindus indica

    Bhringaraj - False daisy -  Eclipta prostrata




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