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    Polio: Ayurvedic cure, Symptoms, Causes & Prevention


    What's Poliomyelitis?

    Poliomyelitis is also known as infantile paralysis, Heine-Medin disease, and Polio. It really is an acute infectious disease triggered by polio-virus (entero-virus) that can lead to fever, headache, muscular pain, muscle weakness, paralysis of lower limbs, respiratory issues, stiffness of neck, and alimentary tract disorders. It can be spread from person to person by means of direct contact, via contaminated water, food materials, fecal-oral way which has virus and may influence the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord resulting in paralysis. Polio generally influences children under the age of five and may deliver temporary or permanent disability, impairment, and deformities.

    Causes & Risk factors of Poliomyelitis

    Weakened or poor immunity.


    Infection - Polio virus might be transmitted by direct person to person contact /  infected fluids from the nose or mouth / contact with infected feces / contaminated water or foods/ areas where sanitation is limited.

    Skeletal muscle injury.

    Symptoms of Poliomyelitis

    General and basic symptoms of poliomylitis are following -

    Muscular atrophy.

    Disability, and / or deformities of limbs.

    Abnormal reflexes.

    Tiredness or fatigue.

    Difficulty swallowing and breathing.

    URTI - Sore throat, fever, influenza or flu like symptoms.

    Arthritis - joint pain, muscular weakness.

    Sleeplessness / insomnia.

    Neck rigidity.

    Stiffness of back.

    Paralysis and pain of leg or hand including respiratory muscle.

    Types of Poliomyelitis

    Spinal polio - It is a type of paralytic polio and may produce the paralysis of limbs, trunk and the intercostal muscles.

    Abortive polio - It is called sub-clinical poliomyelitis or non-paralytic poliomyelitis and typically, it's not an illness of central nervous system and recovery rate is 95-100%. Signs and symptoms of this form of polio may additionally incorporate fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, irritability, general weakness, debility, stomachache, backache, neck pain, pain of upper and lower limbs.

    Bulbar polio - It's far a polio viral attack of brain stem of the bulbar region and harm concerned nerves. It may produce encephalitis like symptoms such as difficulty in swallowing, speaking disturbances, respiratory problems, pulmonary edema and may be fatal in some of the circumstances.

    Bulbo-spinal polio - It may produce symptoms of both spinal polio, and bulbar polio. It is also a dangerous type of poliomyelitis and requires quick treatment.

    Complications of Poliomyelitis

    Musculo-skeletal problems - temporary or permanent muscular paralysis, disability or deformities of the limbs.

    Myocarditis - inflammation of cardiac muscles.

    Pulmonary heart disease / cor pulmonale.



    Loss of intestinal function (paralytic ileus).

    Lung problems - aspiration pneumonia, pulmonary edema.

    PPS - Post-polio syndrome / post-polio sequelae.

    VAPP - Vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis.

    Diagnosis of Poliomyelitis

    Serological assessment of blood for antibody testing.

    Culture of throat swab, stools, and CSF (cerebro-spinal fluid) for determination or isolation of polio-virus.

    Ayurvedic Prescriptions and Massage Oils for Polio

    Sisaka Bhasma.

    Rajat Bhasma.

    Yasad Bhasma.

    Yograja or Mahayograja Guggulu.

    Kaishor Guggulu.

    Triphala Guggulu.

    Trayodashang Guggulu.

    Tapyadi Louh.

    Ekangveer Ras.

    Sutshekhar Ras.

    Mahavaat Vidhwans Ras.

    Vat Gajankush Ras.

    Agnitundi Vati.

    Mukta Pishti.

    Pravalpanch Amrit.

    Gandhaka rasayana.

    Koutaja shilajit.

    Nimba Ghanavati.

    Suvarna brahmi vati.





    Different types of classical Ayurvedic oil have been practiced as therapeutic massage for century across all over world to treat any kind of paralysis including poliomyelitis and that might be next -

    Mahamasa oil.

    Maha vishagarbha oil.

    Maha narayana oil.

    Bala or Maha Bala oil.

    Ashwagandha oil.

    Ksheerbala oil.

    Chandana bala lakshaadi oil.

    Mahamash oil.

    Maha Sahachar oil.


    Diet regimen & lifestyle instructions for Polio/ Poliomyelitis

    Always should be given one glass of milk to the patient because it is a rich source of calcium and protein.

    Physiotherapy - In the conditions of muscular atrophy and paralysis (paralytic polio), physical therapy may be beneficial to re-establish the loss of muscle functions and deformity as well. Braces or corrective shoes should be used, after recommendation of physiotherapist as it help in proper walking.

    Complete bed rest is also very beneficial in severe cases of poliomylitis and really should be adopted as soon as possible.

    Only light and easily digestible foods are recommended.

    Moist heat with warm towels, pad or hot water bag may be followed, in case there is muscular spasm or pain.

    For fight off the infection, nutritional modification is crucial for polio sufferers and always give consideration about good supplementations of vitamin B12, magnesium chloride, calcium, and vitamin C etc. and for this purpose, use grapefruits, orange, mango, pineapple, strawberries, guava, parsley, black currant, kiwi, papaya, broccoli, kale, fresh brussels sprouts, raw peas and cauliflower.

    Analgesics may be utilized in polio related headaches, muscular spasm and pain.

    Preventive options for Poliomyelitis

    Vaccination for poliomyelitis - As described before that there are no any proper treatment for polio except preventive measures like immunization. Mainly two types of polio vaccines are being used across the world to battle polio as polio vaccine is almost 90% effective into providing immunity against polio virus.

    Type 1 - Oral polio vaccine (OPV) - It is an oral, live and attenuated strain of three antigens and also called Sabin oral polio vaccine which is a best approach to prevent polio infection.
    Dosage - First dose at the age of 3 months, second and third dosage of OPV should be 
    given at the interval of 4-6 weeks and repeated on a yearly basis up to 10 - 12 years of ages.

    Advantages of Sabin oral polio vaccine - It really is less expensive than Salk polio vaccine and very simple and extra ease of administratrion.

    Contraindication - Loose motions, acute ailed patients.

    Type 2 - Inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) - It is well recognized as Salk polio vaccine.
    It is a formalin killed vaccine and given IM route with syringe.
    Dosage - First 2 doses at an interval of 4 - 6 weeks, third dose after six months and fourth dose after 6-9 months.

    Ayurvedic & Home remedies to deal with Poliomyelitis

    There is absolutely no legitimate solution in allopathic medicine system except symptomatic treatment or surgical management (orthopedic surgery in some of the cases) and the purpose of treatment is to just control symptoms and prevent complications.  Apart from allopathic treatment, Ayurveda have an incredible incentive and great value to help recover muscle strength and function in poliomyelitis disorder and several medical reports has already established this truth.

    Lavanga - Clove - Syzygium aromaticum

    Maricha - Black pepper - Piper nigrum

    Kuchala - Strychnine tree - Strychnos nux-vomica

    Nirvisha - Jadwar - Delphinium denudatum

    Mulethee - Licorice - Glycyrrhiza glabra

    Astragalus - Membranous milkvetch - Astragalus propinquus

    Dhaniya - Coriander - Coriandrum sativum

    Sounf - Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare

    Daruharidra - Indian barberry - Berberis aristata

    Ashwagandha - Rennet - Withania somnifera

    Nimba - Neem Tree - Azadirachta indica

    Vana Tulsi - Ocimum gratissimum

    Twaka - Cinnamon - Cinnamomum verum

    Lajalu - Shameplant - Mimosa pudica

    Cat’s claw - Healing Vine - Uncaria tomentosa

    Dill / Shatapushpa - Anethum Graveolens

    Talisapatra -  Indian Silver fir - Abies webbiana

    Jatiphala - Nutmeg - Myristica fragrans



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